Money Wrapping it all up | November + December 2024 Monthly Money Progress Report Don't talk to me about my November & December expenses
Money Starting everything over | October 2024 Monthly Money Progress Report But because I want to get small wins, every time I save $1000, I’ll use it to pay off the debt.
Self-care self-care tip: try something new When you're learning something new, you're expected to make mistakes.
Journal Prompts What is your biggest fear? | October 2024 journal prompt That’s why I crave so much financial freedom so I can finally do the things that I want to do so I don’t have any regrets when I do pass.
Money Unexpected earnings from referrals | September 2024 Money Progress Report But because I want to get small wins, every time I save $1000, I’ll use it to pay off the debt.
Money August 2024 Money Progress Report By the end of my trip, I basically had an extra $1000 so I put that towards my emergency fund.
Money The 50/30/20 budgeting method. Explained by an ADHD person Also, if you have the ability to do auto-pay on your bills, sign that sh*t up, and let this account do all the work for you.
Olympics Be the first to know on how to buy tickets for the LA 2028 Olympics We can’t buy the tickets just yet, but here’s how you can be the first to know when the LA 2028 tickets go on sale.
ADHD things i bought to organize my chaotic apartment If you have ADHD, are single, and have a lot of shit, then you’re probably living in a chaotic household like me.
Money how i shop for rave outfits while on a budget While music festival tickets are expensive as heck these days, it doesn’t mean that you need to spend the same amount of money for your outfits either.
Personal i started dating again… [T]hey were shocked when I revealed that I turned 35 that day. Including the guy that I had my eye on that weekend
Personal Featured labeling myself as a "solo person" not a "single person" I will never stop loving someone even if they're not an active part of my life anymore.
Money entering my side hustle era Working full-time as a content creator is the absolute dream job, but since I am not seeing any consistent flow of income yet for either my blog or vlog channel at the moment, I need flexible hours to make this a reality.