🎄Merry Christmas & an update for 2024

🎄Merry Christmas & an update for 2024
merry christmas from me, jemellee 🎄

Hello, readers! And Merry Christmas!

I hope you got everything that you wished for and enjoying your presents right now.

Consider this as my digital Christmas card 🎅🏽🤶🏽

here's your generic christmas gif

After months of deciding what direction I wanted to take for my blog, my YouTube channel, AND adding in a newsletter into the mix, without having too many platforms to work with, I finally came up with an idea and making some changes here.

Moving forward in 2024, if you're receiving this email:

⭐ you are a jemellee's journal member
🌟 you'll only see my name in your inbox on a monthly basis

That's right, you won't get an email on every single blog post I publish anymore. This will be the last email blast that will be shared publicly on my blog.

So if you're reading this on my site from the future (not December 2023), the only way you can receive future emails and access to members-only content is to sign up right here or down below ⬇️

What to expect from as a jemellee's journal member

Since you are receiving this email, then you're already a member on my website. Free or paid, you'll have access to members-only blog posts and my monthly newsletter starting in January 2024.

Here's the breakdown:

Public / No membership
- Access to all my publicly available blog posts
- No monthly newsletter

jemellee's journal membership (free and paid)
- Access to all available blog posts
- Access to members-only content
- Receive monthly newsletter and access to previous newsletters

jemellee's journal paid membership
- Same benefits as a free membership
- Receive and access to exclusive paid content (extended cuts, authentic personal blog posts, and more)

In 2023, I only had one paid tier membership, the smol tier, which is only $1/month and $10/year.

Starting today, I have now included the mid tier for those who can afford to pay a little extra more. It will be $3/month and only $30/year.

For the current smol tier members, if you would like to upgrade and support your girl, I will truly appreciate it! But your membership will not be changed and you can upgrade at any time. (And you can downgrade and cancel at any time too, but why would you wanna do that? ;P loljk)

In easier terms: if you ever supported someone on Patreon, it works the same way for free and paid tiers. Depending on the tier, you'll have access to exclusive content and benefits.

I happen to like this platform due to its simplicity and its actual website format instead of a generic Patreon layout. This is just a personal preference. Nothing against Patreon creators.

What to expect in the 2024 monthly newsletter

In my monthly newsletter, I'll do a quick recap of what I've been up to and link to all the blog posts that I've written in that past month. That way you can read whichever one you want. (I figured that would alleviate any lengthy blog post in your inbox)

Here's an example:

Vlogmas 2023 & Extended Cuts!
I’m joining Vlogmas this year! Don’t know what Vlogmas is? It’s a YouTube challenge which you vlog and upload content for 25 days up until Christmas. Vlogmas goes beyond YouTube now - so it’s fun to see what creative ways content creators are doing each year. For me? I did

I started Vlogmas at the beginning of December and I actually tweaked the challenge to accommodate my mental capacity and to understand my ADHD hyperfocus abilities 😅

And there you have it. Making some changes. Making some big moves. And taking more initiative with my content creation journey.

OK, enough reading. Enjoy the rest of your Christmas day and I'll see you on the next blog post or in your inbox in 2024!

P.S. Yes, I'm missing a few Vlogmas videos. I thought I had time to work on editing the videos or had extra content, but in all truth, I did not 😅 So as a late Christmas gift, the last 3 videos will be up later this week. Including any bonus content - so sign up to be a paid member & access exclusive content!

Merry Christmas! Maligayang Pasko! Happy Hannukah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Boxing Day! Happy ALL the Holidays!

feeling festive in my holiday sweater


Thanks for reading!

📲 where else to find me 📲
YouTube | Instagram | TikTok

Looking for something that I recommended in my socials or blog post? Check out my Amazon shop, Kit, or my actual Recommendation page.