an overdue recap | August 2023

Accepting that it's ok to start over again and again with life, rebranding, and everything else in-between.

an overdue recap | August 2023
being alone aint that bad

Disclaimer: Some of the links below may be affiliate links which I will earn a small commission if you click and purchase from them.

Long time, no see, friend! If you've been keeping up with me on the socials, y'all know that I've been quite busy since I moved out of NYC.

(UGH, don't get me started about Twitter/X. It's dead to me 💀 But you can find me on Threads & BlueSky [@jjemellee] for now. And the usual YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram if you're not following me there yet)

Catching the sunset near the Indiana Dunes

But y'know, unpacking a lot of my ju- I mean my belongings. Crying. Making new friends. Adjusting a new work routine. Cursing the CTA. Driving and exploring different areas of Chicago. Unpacking trauma and feelings. Getting active and working out. Hating dating apps and deleting them. Staying in touch with old friends. Feeling guilty for not sticking with my content creation schedule. Reading lots of self-help books. Volunteering with different animal organizations. Accepting that it's ok to start over again and again with life, rebranding, and everything else in-between.

The usual stuff after a big move, break-up, and finding oneself again 😅

I kinda wanted to recap on what I've wrote this past year, so let's get started, shall we?

Dear Future Partner series

I started this mini series after I saw a few TikToks where ladies would write to their future husbands. They would write it in their journal and then share some tidbits of it in vlog form.

I may or may not do something similar, but I figure it would be a way to put it in writing in what I want in a future partner and possibly ✨manifest✨ them.

This won't have a frequent cadence but some friends gave me feedback and they said they enjoy reading them.

  • Flowers - I mention how I never received flowers from a partner before. But I also want to know my partner's favorite flower is so we can exchange them occasionally.
  • Attraction - Having an attraction to someone is important in a relationship. Otherwise, how else can we stay drawn to each other over time.
  • Dating - We forget that once we're in a relationship, we have to continue to go on dates. It helps keep it fresh and who better to try new things and explore new areas with your partner.

Personal life updates

If you don't care about that lil mini series, then these posts are more about on my personal thoughts about life and what I discovered about myself.

  • Windy City - Adjusting from NYC life to Chicago was definitely an interesting change. Like why does everything close so early?!
  • Insecurities - Boy, did I realize I had a lot of insecurities. I'm still fighting the bad thoughts in my ahead about myself, but since writing that post, it's gotten a lot better and I'm feeling more confident about myself.
  • Tita Jem - This came from a place where I have started to accept my role as Tita Jem for a lot of my friends and family. I really did want to start a family at this point of my life, but I think the Universe is telling me that it isn't time yet for me.
Honestly, these lakeviews are winning me over

What to expect in the future

I honestly can't believe that it's August already and to me it felt like my summer only just started. There were so many other things that I thought I would be able to see or visit, but my time is limited and my wallet ain't fat.

Was seeing Past Lives a good idea for me? I think it was needed

(People have been LOVING the way how my phone case feels, so no gatekeeping, it's an Otofly case that I found on Amazon and here's my affiliate link:

I've have so much content to share and I'm finally making time to include video editing & blogging back into my (surprising) busy schedule. So GET HYPED for vlogs and blogs coming your way in the near future 🥳

Thank you again for reading and supporting me through this. Even though I'm not where I hope to be, at least now, I'm not stressed about anymore.


Thanks for reading!

📲 where else to find me 📲
YouTube | Instagram | TikTok

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